Our Name
“Chapolera” pays homage to the people, and more specifically the women, that work in the coffee farms harvesting the coffee. In Colombia, we call them “Chapoleras”. For generations, they have harvested coffee from one farm or region to another, raising their families while on the road. It is thanks to the Chapoleras and Chapoleros of the world that this tradition continues, allowing us to enjoy our beloved coffee. Chapolera Coffee is proud to be a part women and minority owned company.
Meet the Founders
Jenny Bueno
A native of Colombia, Jenny grew up surrounded by coffee and its culture. Working with coffee was a passion that became reality with the opening of Chapolera Coffee. It allows her to promote what she loves and enjoys the most about her native country: Colombian coffee.
Chapolera Coffee also provides a venue for her to give back to the community and somehow help those involved in the coffee supply chain, especially the farmers and Chapoleras.
She is fascinated by Native American and Japanese cultures. Her favorite coffee brewing methods are: Pour over and Aero press.
Art Baker
Art was born and raised in Michigan. Graduating from the University of Michigan prepared him to truly enjoy all the technical aspects of coffee roasting and brewing.
Art’s interest in coffee drives him to apply his engineering background to constantly refine the art of roasting through experimenting and always pushing the envelope. He is an avid hockey and college football fan where his loyalty and devotion is to the Red Wings and Wolverines.
The most spoiled Labrador retriever on the planet, who has no shame when it comes to getting belly rubs, eating ice cream or anything food. Clint is a rescue dog from San Antonio, Texas, who loves coffee and spends most of his time following his parents around the roastery looking for coffee beans to eat.